Friday, December 9, 2011

Estes Canyon & Bull Pasture

 With a new volunteer, Hilda, John and I hiked a trail today.  Borrowing an ORPI van we traveled the 21 mile gravel drive hiking a trail through Estes Canyon and up and around missing the sign to Bull Pasture which was the highest point of the hike.  We found our error after decending but did not turn around.  It was a morning well spent in beautiful country anyway.  Next time we will go all the way up to Bull Pasture.  On the way home we passed an Occotillo in bloom.  It is supposed to bloom in the spring but with all the rain it was in bloom now.  What great red and green color for the holidays.

John & Hilda with back lit cholla on trail

Occotillo in Blossom



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