Friday, December 16, 2011

Bird Count

    Tomorrow I am traveling to Ajo with 2 other volunteers to do the Christmas Bird Count. It is done nationally on a certain day every year.  None of us know what we are doing but we will learn tomorrow.  This week has been spent at the visitor center with almost no visitors.  BORING!  The upcoming holiday must be keeping them away.  Next week we start our formal interp training and the schedule seems like fun.  We are going on field trips and listening to talks and we have a pot luck and a Christmas luncheon.  I have been approved to paint on the patio or walkway and talk to visitors so I am thrilled.  Painting and volunteering at the same time is terrific.  I have been hard at work on an oil of Alamo Canyon in ORPI.
    Yesterday John and I traveled to Ajo and went to the local museum and mining overlook.  Ajo was one of the largest open pit copper mines in the world. It closed around 1984.  Two mountians are no longer there,  just a huge colored pile of tailings now.  The mine hole is 1 1/2 miles across and 1200 feet deep.  The town was moved during the hay day to accomodate the mining pit. Now we know a little more about the area. And yes, I forgot to take pictures again!

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