Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Summer in New England

We have used the 2008 PW on and off this summer for short things like my volunteer days in southern CT, a few trips overnight in NH, upstate NY and a long weekend down at the RI shore.  The humidity has kept me low because we have had 4 heat waves.  I hated the one in early September- bahh, humbug!!.  We are off to Hershey, PA for a class B rally for almost a week starting tonight.  We have attended this rally in the past.

This PleasureWay Excel is a good rig and everything is working the way it should.  We have even used it for a second vehicle on occasion.  I miss the excitement of traveling but do not miss the rig itself.  Although it is so much harder to pack the small rig it is so much easier to travel in.  Life is one big compromise!  I am dreaming of a trip next summer by way of the Canadian Rockies to Olympic National Park.  We will see what the future holds.  John wants to travel south for a month or so this winter. 

He used a golf membership very often this summer and I am taking 2 college art courses this fall. (Old folks can fill in space for free if there is room in regular courses).  I am taking it for audit for I do not need the courses.  I have a degree in Fine Arts. We will give a talk on the NPS at the end of October, we have joined a Learning in Retirement Association at our local college and we are going to lectures there so we are just not slaves to the house!  LIFE IS STILL GOOD!

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