Friday, January 23, 2015

Crooked River in January

We have volunteered here for 2 weeks and it has rained quite a lot.  It is raining hard today also.  We have seen the sun a few days but the majority has been cloudy if not raining.  They did a prescribed burn for 3 days after canceling the previous week because of wet weather.  They burned within 15 feet of our motor home.  I came home from lunch to them setting fire to our "backyard" so I stayed home for a few hours (just in case).  It went without a hitch and the green will be back without the pine undergrowth.  The small smoking little hot spots throughout the park will be put out today.  It looks blackened looking out our windows.  Tonight John takes me to JAX airport, just over the line in Jacksonville, Florida for my 1 hour flight to Tampa.  I will return next Saturday while John is taking care of Emma and doing his volunteering in maintenance this week.

Burning right in back of our motor home

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