Saturday, January 25, 2014

We're working

We have started our assignments.  John has given his night program (endangered Sonoran pronghorns and captive breeding program here) and I have done a watercolor art 2 hour demo.

We both have driven/talked on the 21 mile free tour in this beautiful desert and I am practicing a patio talk about women and ranching "A Window into Another Time".  I bought a wig, black dress, shoes, black socks, jewelry (all for $9 at thrift shops).  I have never done anything like this before and I came up with this myself!!!!!  I am crazy!!! But I have read a transcript of a woman ranching in this place and I got hooked on her story. I did research on other women and I want to tell the public about "another time and women's contributions".  I will post pictures of "Mary Nell Gray"(me) later. I intend to start  the talk sitting in my volunteer coat and hat with a quilt around my lower half and then when I introduce Mary Nell I get up turn around, take off my hat and coat and put on my wig and earrings and sit down as Mary Nell for beneath my coat I am dressed in socks, shoes and dress of another era.  Am I crazy????? The library here with original documents and transcripts (tapes also) is at our disposal.  It is very interesting to have all original documentation at our disposal and they let you pick an interest and research it.  Of course it has to be approved. 

We are one of 3 couples of interpretive volunteers.  There are also 2 campground volunteer host couples, 2 fee taker volunteer couples and a maintenance volunteer couple working here. They are from throughout the country (most are from western states). We are the couple who have traveled the furthest distance to volunteer. 

One of the other interpretive volunteer couples on our field trip
This is the group working last time we were here.  We are one of many.
 John is right below the flag looking at my camera.  He is just soooooo happy!

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