Thursday, November 7, 2013

Where has the month gone?

                           The booster is working and I can now have pictures & blog!!!! sometimes!

We have been in the Rio Grande Valley for over a month.  We know where towns are and know our positions here.  We work at the visitor center and are drivers on the tour & will be giving the tour talk soon.  We are still on a high learning curve but have managed to see this small place in the RGV / National Wildlife Refuge of Laguna Atascosa as home for a few months.  Emma now knows her way around.  We bike to work and have had opportunities to participate/watch the ongoing studies of the animals here.  The birds are varied and amazing, the wildlife different from what we are used to and some the same-like the coyote.  I have seen live armadillo, lots of different birds like the plain chachalaca, Mexican eagle/Crested Caracara and the Aplomado falcon which is endangered and has benefited from a captive breeding program here.  In the LRGV there are 25 nesting Alomado pairs now when in 1999 there were none.  I have yet to see the endangered elusive ocelot or the invasive nilgai, that weighs 400 to 600 pounds and looks like a huge deer, small head and runs like a horse. It is from India and purchased legally on a game ranch but it does not know boundaries and loves it here. Tonight we will be going on a biologist project counting animals at night and I might see one.  John has seen one from a distance and one person came into the visitor center thinking he saw a moose.  There are no moose in LRGV but after showing him a picture of the nilgai, he said that is what he saw! 

Home Sweet Home until just before 2014

The visitor center where we work

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