Saturday, October 5, 2013

Trek to Laguna Atascosa NWF, TX

We started out on Tuesday Sept 17th in the pm.  About 70 miles into the trek we were towed to a truck place by Good Sam Emergency Service.  It took some time but we were safe and learned how they tow a big rig.  The MH smoked under the chassis and John thought it was the transmission.  It turned out to be an overfilling of transmission fluid.  We had all fluids changed before traveling.  I will deal with that cost problem when we return to Woodstock.  It was a quick fix and on we traveled.  We met up with traveling friends in VA and spent the day at President Woodrow Wilson's birthplace/museum and evening at Chili's before they headed west and we headed south to TN.  We visited friends in TN for a few days and headed to the Shilo Battlefield traveling part of the Trace National Scenic Highway.  At least it was before the shutdown.  We arrived in Los Fresnos, TX and the refuse to discover we could come into the volunteer campground but like the NPS, the federal NWR was shut up tight for the duration of the government infighting of October 1st.  So here we sit safe and sound but not volunteering for anything.  We are to think of it as a free campground.  Here's hoping the govt gets it's act together soon.  We came to learn the area and we cannot even get in to the refuge except the campground. 
John & Emma in Tennessee at a state park after Shilo

We stayed in an equestrian campground and donkeys were where we expected horses.
We have battled sugar ants in northern Texas and mashed Love Bugs and Butterflies all over the windshield and radiator coming to the Rio Grande Valley.  We are still battling ants here and creatures will try to get the upper hand.  We have our lights out and have sprayed the RV pad.  We plan to get screening for some of the places to protect against invasion.  The air conditioner is on for it is humid and in the 90's.  It is supposed to cool down soon.  I sure hope so!

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