Saturday, July 21, 2012

As of July 20th--

We traveled safely home going through northern Arizona to Tennesee on I-40.  What a terrible road!  I would not recommend the 40.  It was teeth jarring and had construction everywhere.  We left the southwest and crossed Oklahoma and Arkansas and Tennesee traveling I-81 to I-84 to Wallingford, CT.  We stopped in Tennessee overnight with friends (needed a break) and arrived in the parking lot of Wallingford Masonicare June 22nd.  We stayed in the parking lot for 6 days so thank goodness for the motor home.  My dad cannot stay independent any longer and we moved him to a nursing facility near Woodstock after we cleared his apartment.  I am preparing our CT home to accommocate a sad gentleman who must accept the last stage of his life.  What a month!! and I do miss beautiful Bryce and it's magic.  We applied for the fall session at Bryce 2013 .  This year will be a blur!!
We went past the Vermillion Cliffs in northern AZ,

traveled over the Colorado,

passed the wind farms of the west headed to Connecticut.

We stopped at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon where we walked to Angel Point

and visited with friends we met at Organ Pipe.
  They now are working at the North Rim and the Grand Canyon is their backyard.  WOW!

Rorik and Sherry are showing us the Colorado River through the window in the rock.

What's down there, John and Sherry???

The Grand Canyon of course!

Back at our site at Jacob Lake a few miles north of the North Rim we packed up and headed on our way after visiting Jacob Lake, a small pond now, and a historic ranger cabin built in the early 1900's.

We stopped a the Petrefied Forest National Park and yes, this is rock!!!!

and this is the Painted Desert.

and the adobe houses of the historic southwest.  Goodbye for now.  I am sad.

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