Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Toad

A  motorhome purchase is just the beginning.  We cannot drive even a short class A very easily to the post office to get stamps, especially with the gas prices.  We had to trade our paid off low mileage 2005 Toyota Camry and purchase a "toad" (car we could tow).  It had to be small.  It most likely had to be a standard.  It had to be a used car with low mileage and within budget(hardest part) so no car payments. After searching the internet, then traveling to dealers with the best trade for our Toyota, we purchased a 2010 Scion.

Now for the harder step - it has to be made towable with a special plate, tow hooks, cables, tow brakes and tow bar. We purchased a used Brake Buddy kit(EBay) and a Blue Ox tow bar(local paper). John thinks he is ready for an expert to take apart the car to put it all together as a toad. All we need is the appointment!

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