Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016 Summer Travel

Verona Beach State Park, NY were we saw a beautiful sunset.

In June John had heart related medical problems but by July the doctors OK'ed him to travel.  So in August after planning a 5 week trip to the Black Hills by way of the great lakes we traveled thru MA, NY, Ontario, Canada, up thru MI to the UP and over to WI. We were headed west thru farm country to the Black Hills.  John had a medical problem in WI so instead we headed back down Oshkosh, WI thru IL, IN, OH, PA, NY and home again.  It was just a terrible, hot, humid trip (tolls were over $80.00) through country we had already seen but B3 worked great. It is hell to get old!!!

We are now looking forward to, after medical problems fixed, going to Organ Pipe National Monument in AZ for the month of December.  We are volunteering there for one month and traveling all November in the southwest to areas we have not been to and then after volunteering, traveling back home again in the winter of 2017.  WE SHALL SEE if life and plans go together!
ORPI , AZ were we hope to spend Christmas

The Volunteer In Park Campground in Organ Pipe above and Sunsets in ORPI below