Sunday, May 29, 2016

Catch up

We traveled to GA and FL for 5 weeks from the third week of January to the end of February.  We had a condo in Orlando for the one week the first of February so it was nice to have space while it was cold. Two daughters visited us in Orlando. We traveled to visit friends in Englewood and started north again.  I had enough cool, damp weather so back we came and had to winterize the rig again.  We tried again in March on Easter for 1 1/2 weeks traveling to TN and GA.  That was much nicer.  We saw an early spring in the south with flowering trees and did not have to winterize arriving home.  Spring in Connecticut was terrible.  We had heat early April then cold so things froze and our spring buds just never formed again. No flowering trees or many flowers this spring!  Apples and peaches will be premium in a few months.

The PW is cleaned and waxed and ready to go for the summer.  I will be using it for my Wilton, CT NPS site Weir Farms volunteering once a month and hope to travel to Washington state by way of the Canadian Rockies this August and we have been penciled in for volunteering in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument for the month of December so we have plans. 

We are off and running in 2016.  Happy Travels Everyone!